Madcap model maker builds the Notre Dame Cathedral using 298,000 MATCHSTICKS, 55 litres of wood glue and 2,000 toothpicks
A patient matchstick artist has painstakingly recreated this stunning replica of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Patrick Acton, 59, used 298,000 matchsticks and a whopping 55 litres of wood glue to assemble the 7.5ft long by 5ft high (2.3m x structure.He spent 2,000 hours on the piece, but he can take solace in the fact it took over 180 years to build the stone cathedral in Paris. The artist has devoted 35 years to making matchstick models and his latest creation - which also has a further 2,000 toothpicks - features a staggering array of spires, arches and towers that capture the iconic building in minute detail. Each matchstick was individually placed to recreate the Parisian structure, which is considered one of the finest examples gothic architecture in the world. Mr Acton spent eight years collecting research material on the building before he began to assemble the model in 2010.The father-of-three, who lives with his wife April in Iowa, has now put the finishing touches to the impressive creation which weighs 38kg.He said: 'I have always loved architecture, and I have been fascinated by High Gothic Architecture since I was a young boy in elementary school. I set out about ten years ago to make a matchstick model of Notre Dame in Paris, but I could not find enough information to build it to scale. Notre Dame is one of the most detailed models I have ever worked on because of the complex subject it represents, People react differently to each model. It is amazing people love one but ignore another. He said his family are supportive of his work, but because 'many of the models are older than my kids, they do not really react to it too much.
مجنون في الفن يصنع نموذج لكاثدرالية نوتردام باستخدام 298000 من أعواد الثقاب 298000 ،و 55 لترا من غراء الخشب و2000 مسواك
إنه درب من الجنون في الفن والإبداع , فقد وضع الفنان أكتون باتريك ذو التسع والخمسون عاماً لمساته الأخيرة على نموذج لكاثدرلية نوتردام مستخدماً 298000 عوداً من الثقاب و 55 لتراً من الغراء و 2000 مسواك , تلك التفاصيل الدقيقة واللمسات الفنية الرائعة قد إستغرقت حوالي 2000 ساعة عمل ليتم إنجاز هذا النموذج الرائع , مع العلم إن النموذج الحقيقي للكاثدرالية إستغرق 180 عاماً في باريس , لكن إستغرقت تجميع مواد هذا النموذج حوالي ثمان سنوات قبل البدء في العمل رافضاً جميع عروض المساعدة وذلك من قبيل حبه وعشقه للهندسة المعمارية ... سوف أترككم مع الصور لتتخيلو معي قمة الإبداع والصبر في بناء هذه الأيقونة المعمارية ...لتعليقاتكم !!!
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