Mummy, I want to be a binboy! Adorable two-year-old who dreams of being a refuse collector (and he's already got the hard hat, gloves and high-vis jacket)
Some little boys dream of being a footballer, a train driver or even a fireman - but two-year-old Alfie Walesby has an altogether different career aspiration. The toddler loves nothing more than to wait for the refuse collectors to come past his home in Whitburn, South Tyneside. And not suprisingly one of his first words was 'binman'. Parents Louise Hudson and fiance Bryan Walesby, both 28, first noticed their toddler's fondness for the binmen about a year ago. Miss Hudson said: 'He spotted the wagon through the window one day, then after that he was hooked. 'One of his first words was 'binmen'. He loves them and can't wait until it's Thursday, collection day, and he gets the chance to see them.' Alfie made friends with the workers by waving from his window and front garden when it's warm enough to go outside. As the weeks went by, the binmen started to watch out for the youngster, who is big brother to five-month-old Tommy - and then gave him his very own hard hat and gloves. His mum ordered him a tiny fluorescent yellow jacket from the internet, to complete the look, which he loves so much his mum struggles to get him to wear anything else, she said. Alfie also loves to tidy up and helps his mum throw out rubbish. Louise said: 'He was over the moon with the hat and the gloves. It made his day. Then I got him a little jacket too, so he now looks the part. 'The only problem is I can't get him out of it. He wears it to the shops, his grandad's, everywhere - even to bed if I'd let him.' Alfie always makes sure he has treats for the binmen too and sometimes gives them gifts. Miss Hudson said: 'If there's ever any cake, he will shout 'binmen cake' and we have to keep some for the workers. 'He was two recently, so he made sure they got a slice of his birthday cake, and we've got them little Easter eggs for next week. 'I just think it's lovely that while they're doing their job they take the time to say hello and bring him little gifts - he loves it.' Miss Hudson is now just worried she's going to have two sons obsessed with the binmen. She added: 'I think Alfie's obsession is starting to rub off on his brother. You can see Tommy now showing an interest.'I think I'll have two of them hooked soon. It's not too bad though, as Alfie is always picking up things to put in the bin and he takes Tommy's nappies out before we even get the chance.'
بالصـــور... طفل بريطا ني حلم حياته أن يكون " عامل نظافة "
معظم الأطفال في بداية عمرهم إن سألتهم ماذا سوف تكون عندما تكبر ؟ أغلبهم ستكون إحدى إجابتهم يا إما ... طبيب , مدرس , مهندس , طيار , لــــــكن ذلك الطفل وإسمه تودلر وعمره عامان ونصف حلم حياته أن يكون عامل نظافة , وكـان يقوم بالبكاء لوالديه يومياً حتى يلبس ملابس عمال النظافة وأن يعمل معهم , وبعد عدة مرات نال الطفل مراده وحصل على ما يريد ... إليكم الصور
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